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Bridge Contruction


with the whole workforce

Get key information to all the people that need it, whether direct labour, agency, subcontractor or management.

The challenges around supporting workforce communications together with mental and physical health guidance for both employees and subcontractors are highly complex. The engagement and wellbeing of your people has a direct impact on their effectiveness – higher output quality, less absences and resignations, improved safety compliance and overall a more motivated workforce are the results if you get it right. 

Consentricare is a British business deploying mobile solutions to companies that care about the people who work for them. Our app helps you to engage your workforce, giving access to information and alerts wherever, whenever. Our analytics dashboard and content curation tools help you give your people the guidance they need together with a feeling that somebody cares about them and about their work.

© Consentricare Limited

All trademarks, service marks, trade names, product names and logos appearing on this site are property of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged.

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